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API Reference

In this section the API endpoints available in are described, including their purpose, parameters and response format.

Endpoint Method Description
/ GET Returns the main index.html page.
/api/algorithm_list GET Returns a list of available algorithms with their display names.
/api/algorithm_description/<algorithm> GET Returns a description and references for the specified algorithm.
/api/algorithm_requirements/<algorithm>/<operation> GET Returns the input and parameter requirements for the given algorithm and operation.
/process POST Processes the selected encryption or decryption operation based on input images and parameters.

API endpoints


  • Method: GET
  • Description:
    • Serves the main HTML page (index.html) of the application.
    • This is the entry point for users to interact with the visual cryptography tool via a web interface.


  • Method: GET
  • Purpose: Returns a list of all available algorithms with their corresponding user-friendly names.
  • Response Format: A JSON object with key-value pairs, where the key is the algorithm identifier, and the value is its display name.

    Example Response

        "algorithms": {
            "vc_cmyk": "VC - Color CMYK",
            "rg_grayscale_bitplane": "RG - Grayscale Bitplane"
  • How it's used in JavaScript: The key acts as the <option> element’s value in HTML, while the corresponding value is displayed as the visible text in the dropdown menu.


  • Method: GET
  • Purpose: Provides a textual description and relevant links for a given algorithm.
  • Path Parameter:
    • <algorithm>: The identifier of the requested algorithm.
  • Response Format: A JSON object that matches the exact output of get_description() for the specified <algorithm>:

    Example Response

        "text": "Brief description of the implemented scheme...",
        "links": [
            {"text": "Research Paper 1", "url": ""}, 
            {"text": "Research Paper 2", "url": ""}

    Example Response where the description is unavailable

        "text": "Description not available.",
        "links": []
  • How it's used in JavaScript: The returned JSON object will be used to display a description and some reference links in the information box.


  • Method: GET
  • Purpose: Returns the required number of images and parameters for a specified algorithm and operation (encryption or decryption).
  • Path Parameters:
    • <algorithm>: The algorithm identifier.
    • <operation>: Either encryption or decryption.
  • Response Format: A JSON object containing the output of get_requirements() for the specified <algorithm>, filtered by <operation>:

    Example Response (Encryption requiring additional parameters)

        "num_images": 1,
        "parameters": {
            "bitplanes": {
                "type": "number",
                "default": 3,
                "label": "Number of Most Significant Bit Planes to use"

    Example Response (Decryption with selection option)

        "num_images": 2,
        "parameters": {
            "xor_or": {
                "type": "select",
                "options": ["OR", "XOR"],
                "default": "OR",
                "label": "Choose whether to decrypt using OR or XOR"
  • How it's used in JavaScript: The returned JSON object will be used to dynamically generate HTML form elements for image uploads and any required additional parameters.


  • Method: POST
  • Purpose: Processes encryption or decryption based on the selected algorithm, input images, and additional parameters.
  • Request Parameters:
    • operation (encryption or decryption)
    • algorithm (algorithm identifier)
    • image1, image2, ... (uploaded images)
    • Additional parameters required by the selected algorithm.
  • Response:
    • If encryption produces multiple images (e.g., shares), they are saved and displayed by rendering enc_result.html
    • If decryption is successful, the result is saved and displayed by rendering dec_result.html.
    • If an error occurs during encryption or decryption, error.html will be displayed with a description of the issue.

How is the initialization of index.html done automatically?

When a new script is added following the Contribution Guidelines, as long as it adheres to the required structure and is registered in algo_interface, the web interface automatically:

  • Adds the new algorithm to the selection dropdown via JavaScript fetch to the route /api/algorithm_list.
  • Loads the algorithm description into the information box using by fetching /api/algorithm_description/<algorithm>.
  • Fetches the algorithm’s requirements and updates the UI dynamically through /api/algorithm_requirements/<algorithm>/<operation>.

This automation ensures that new algorithms become available in the web interface instantly, without requiring manual updates

    participant index.html
    participant scripts>>scripts: Call get_config() for all schemes
    scripts-->> Return configurations>> Import ALGORITHM_MODULES>> Return ALGORITHM_MODULES

    index.html->> Request /api/algorithm_list>> Execute backend logic>>index.html: Return list of available algorithms
    index.html->>index.html: Populate the `<select>` element with algorithm options

    index.html->> Request /api/algorithm_description/<algorithm>>> Execute backend logic>>index.html: Return description of the selected algorithm
    index.html->>index.html: Display description in the info box

    index.html->> Request /api/algorithm_requirements/<algorithm>/<operation>>> Execute backend logic>>index.html: Return requirements for the selected algorithm and operation
    index.html->>index.html: Update the HTML form based on the requirements

Once the initialization is complete, as illustrated in the sequence diagram above, the following queries are sufficient:

  • GET /api/algorithm_description/<algorithm> → Triggered when the selected algorithm changes.
  • GET /api/algorithm_requirements/<algorithm>/<operation> → Triggered when either the selected algorithm or the selected operation changes.