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Project Overview


Below is an overview of the project's architecture:

Project Structure

Key Components

  • index.html: The main frontend interface where users select algorithms, perform operations, and upload images.
  • A Flask-based web server providing API endpoints for frontend interactions (see API Reference for details).
  • A Flask-based web server that renders index.html and provides API endpoints for frontend interactions. API documentation for details.
  • An interface to access various visual secret sharing schemes. It maintains a dictionary that maps scheme names to their respective functions.
  • scripts/: Contains the core implementations of visual cryptography and random grid schemes.
    • visual_cryptography/: Contains different Visual Cryptography (VC) implementations.
    • random_grid/: Contains Random Grid (RG) based implementations.

Folder Structure

├── .github/
├── docs/                           # Documentation files
├── scripts/                        # Core scripts for encryption and decryption
│   ├── images/                     # Image assets for testing and output
│   │   ├── output/                 # Stores generated shares and reconstructed images (when using CLI)
│   │   └── test.png                # Example input image used for testing
│   ├── random_grid/                # Scripts for encrypting and decrypting using Random Grid schemes
│   └── visual_cryptography/        # Scripts for encrypting and decrypting using Visual Cryptography schemes
├── web_app/                        # Flask-based web application
│   ├── static/                     # Static files used by the web app
│   │   ├── css/                    # Stylesheets for the web interface
│   │   ├── output/                 # Stores generated shares and reconstructed images (when using GUI)
│   │   └── uploads/                # Folder for storing user-uploaded images
│   ├── templates/                  # HTML templates for the web application
│   ├──           # Interface for accessing VSS schemes and their corresponding functions
│   └──                      # Main Flask application file
├── .gitignore
├── LICENSE.txt
├── mkdocs.yml                      # Configuration file for MkDocs, defining the documentation structure
└── requirements.txt                # Python dependencies required to run the project